Marine Construction: Building Your Dreams

At Firefly technical Services understands the unique issues facing property owners when it comes to marine construction.  For this reason, we employ an experienced team that specializes in customized designs to meet your exact needs and walk you through the process.  We will guide you through the entire construction process, building your dream one stone at a time.


Our expertise covers the following areas:

  • Replace in-kind piers
  • Modifications to existing piers
  • New piers
  • replacement bulkheads
  • Shoreline erosion control
    • When Living shorelines are the best option for erosion control
    • Revetment and slope stabilization
    • mitigating drainage from nearby structures
    • State and county credits for environmental restoration
  • Regulatory approvals
  • Army Corps of Engineers compliance in navigatable waterways
  • Maryland Department of the Enviroment ( MDE) approval for Marine project in the critical areas and tidal waters
  • Choosing a contractor or when Owner builder options are the best solution.


Any marine project starts with regulatory compliance. A joint application is usually required to modify any tidal wetland areas. We will walk you through the process of contractor selection and permitting. Below is a quick outline of the process.


A: Project scope
B: Mapping
C: Environmental study
D: Design and Engineering
E: Selection of professional construction team
F: Regulatory and Permit Coordination
G: Construction coordination

F: Local Jurisdiction /County approvals

H: Construction Materials list

You can view some of our award-winning projects below.

Photo Gallery: Marine projects

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